Nicole's Blog

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Service, Service, Service

Another week in the law life of Nicole. This week has been extremely busy, catching up from my Ohio vacation. Classes are picking up and I have more and more to do. The theme of my week was Service...trying to figure out what organization I want to spend some time with, being helpful. I really do want to be of service to my community, unfortanetly for me, I want to do EVERYTHING and have limited time. On Thursday I went to training to do research for the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) which would be amazing, on Friday I went to training for a program working with battered women, we help them to fill out petitions for restraining orders against their abuser and then go to court with them and serve as an advocate. Both opportunities sound incredible...and I would love to do both. However, I have come to the realization that I have to make choices (isn't it LUCKY that I HAVE choices today...I can hear Brenda in my head right now). I am leaning towards the battered women's advocacy program because the time commitment seems more manageable.

Below are a couple of pictures of my new Law School friends. It is so much fun to be surrounded by such brilliant people. My roommate Nicole is fantastic. We have a lot of fun together, and I like having someone around. Sarah is a friend from my lawyering class, which means we spend most of our life together. She's wonderful, from Texas, and a former Peace Corp volunteer.

Well...I have TONS of studying to do. So I'm going to get to it.

Love you all!

The Nicole's - Roomies Extrodinaire! Posted by Hello

Sarah & Nicole - Lawyering Buddies Posted by Hello

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Meet Ahvia Grace Ahmad - My new favorite almost-niece!

Hey everyone! Sorry it has been a while since I updated by blog. Things have been hectic here. Classes are in full swing and I am enjoying them. The work is long and tiring but doable. I am feeling settled in my life, and I'm making friends. A bunch of girls from my section and I have started a Thursday night tradition of girls night dinner. Last Thursday I cooked for 7 people! My Mom was so proud.

The big exciting news in my world is that my good friend Shana had a new baby 11 days ago. Her name is Ahvia Grace Ahmad and she is absolutely adorable. I went to Ohio for a long weekend to visit and hang out with Shana, her husband Waqass, her little boy Caden (otherwise known as Pea) and Baby Ahvia (better known as Gracie) In just over 3 days Gracie managed to steal my heart. She is absolutely darling and joins her brother Caden on my list of favorite almost nieces and nephews. Caden and I had a ton of fun hanging out together, mornings were our special time - while Mommy and Baby slept we watched the Wiggles (my new favorite band) and got 'cozy' on the couch. He cried when I left....I think it was really because he wanted to go on the airplane, not because he was going to miss me - but it broke my heart anyway. (On top of that I returned home to the SWEETEST card from my 7 year old niece Courtney, saying she missed me and when was I going to come visit? I sobbed. I'm a sucker for kids) Back to Ohio, it was fantastic to hang out with Shana and relax with the kids. Now however, I should really get back to the books. Love you all!

Auntie Coley & Gracie Posted by Hello

Auntie Coley, Gracie, and Pea! Posted by Hello

Silliness! Posted by Hello

Pea & Auntie Coley - Self Portrait Posted by Hello

Caden can't figure out why Gracie is so upset! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

And the drama continues...

So, I really believed that I would only be updating this blog about once a week, but since my life seems to be so new and exciting I feel like I have a lot to say. Glad you don't have to read it if you don't find it interesting.

Today was a very exciting day in the Life of Nicole.

I got picked on (called on) whatever you would call it for the first time today. It was in my criminal law class which I find scary anyways. As I was still getting my computer up and running the professor asked a question followed by the ominous phrase...."what do you think Ms. German?" AHHHHHHHHH! I nearly threw up on my desk. I must have done alright, although most of my answers are a blur. I had a terrifying moment where I couldn't figure out which case the professor was talking about, I remembered the details but couldn't find it anywhere. It turned out that it was merely a citation in another case and not actually printed in the book. Generally this professor tends to pick on people for a few minutes and then move on to a fresh victim. Not for this girl. He routinely came back to me throughout the class (2 painful hours) which meant that I had to be on the edge of my seat and ready to perform at any moment. My very kind classmates have been trying to convince me for the rest of the day that he was 'picking on me' because I was getting the answers right, that he didn't return to people that didn't appear to know what they were talking about. There kind words about how 'fantastic' I was were very comforting. More comforting still was the Professors comment in the after-class elevator trip that I had done well! Yippee! He thought I did well! Oh my. So I have survived my first Socratic method experience and come out relatively intact. Still, it was a disturbing experience, as I have never before considered myself scared to speak in any class. Wow!

My exciting day continued with a students activities fair. I am really impressed with everything that is going on at this law school. I know that I am going to have limited time (which is too bad, because I would LOVE to do EVERYTHING!!!) Those of you that knew me in Undergrad will remember my Freshman year activities maddness...."Mom, Dad, I'm going to be in Mock Trial, and on the Newspaper, and volunteer, and mentor an elementary school kid, and cheerlead, and...and...and" (all said at a very high pace after consuming much Mountain Dew) And two weeks later my tearful "Daddy! Mommy! I'm so stressed I can't breathe!" Followed by a quick reevalutaion of my priorities. So in an attempt to avoid a repeated mishap I am going to carefully evaluate my options...but it is fun to have so many to evaluate! Some of the things I am excited about are....providing advocacy for battered women as they fill out their divorce papers and appearing with them before the courts, going to soup kitchen and helping the homeless with their legal needs, teaching prisoners legal research & writing so they can work on their appeals and help others with their appeals, working as a monitor at polling places to make sure everyone who should be is given the right to vote, all sorts of things! I'm super excited.

Well...I have another 50 pages of Civ Pro to I'm loving you all!