Nicole's Blog

Friday, December 16, 2005

Quinn Christmas Party - The Ultimate Study Break

Hello all, greetings from Finals land! I'm happy to report that I am surviving. I am in the middle of finishing a 24 hour take home final for my International Arbitration class - it is 2:31 EST and I'm finishing up the final question, heading to bed, then getting up in the morning to read it over before turning it in via email at 11:27. I took a fantastic study break tonight and went to the Quinn Christmas Party (the firm I'm working for next summer), it was a good time, great food, and fun mingling. It required formal attire which was a nice change from my repetoire of a tank top and sweat pants while studying in my 80 degree room. Zoe, the office manager and I, showed up in almost matching dresses, she is clearly my long-lost big sister. I can't wait to get to know her and the rest of the Quinn crew better next summer. 2 day countdown till I land in the Midwest. I can't wait to see everyone! Much love, now back to my final.


Zoe, Quinn's office manager, and my favorite, and Nicole @ Quinn Christmas Party Posted by Picasa

Nicole & Sarah - Quinn Christmas Party Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

2 Down....1 to go!

2L year, 1st semester, 2/3 of the way through exam hell! Glad to report that I am surviving. As I have been horrid at keeping in touch of the last few weeks (I blame the tax code - what I have learned this semester - if all else fails, blame the tax code) I thought I would send a quick update before I resume studying for International Arbitration, my final exam (who am I kidding, I'm looking for any reason not to study for Int'l Arbitration). This finals period was very hectic for me, the way my exam schedule worked out I had Evidence Law on the first day of exams, Monday, and Federal Income Tax on the second. It was a lot to study for, and I am exhausted. My evidence exam was Professor was just outright mean....after telling us we didn't need to 'memorize' the "non-pertinent details" he gave us a closed book exam with the following question....

(Note that this is not a major or important case -far from it)
In what case did the Court decide...blah blah blah
  1. Hillumon
  2. Hillibun
  3. Hillmon
  4. Hillton
Now there is really just no need for that. I could come up with a thousand more examples that you don't really care about, but that is the most egregious.

My tax exam felt the exact opposite to me. Our final was based very much upon the practice problem sets our prof gave in class. I had literally spent 24 hours revieiwng them with my friend Evan, and was very glad that I had done so. I walked out feeling like I did the best that I could have possibly done.

Now I'm studying for international arbitration, which sounds interesting, but is really awful. I plan on taking my exam either Friday or Saturday - it is a scheduled take home.

I head back to Des Moines on Sunday and will be in Iowa for about 10 days and then heading to Minneapolis for some time with my gorgeous nephew Caden (my sister and bro-in-law and nieces are going on a Disney Cruise, Caden is staying home to play with Auntie Coley and grandma). I will also be attending Emerald & Jason's wedding (yay!) and spending much needed time with old friends. All you Iowans and Minnesotans know my number and should give me a call while I'm in town!

Hope you are having a wonderful pre-holiday season. This is probably my last blog until after Christmas - when I am sure I will have lots of fun pictures to share! Have a great holiday!

Love & Hugs,
Nicole Renee